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You were made to move the world.
To make a difference.
But where do you even begin?
The BraveHeart Intensive is an immersive training process that uncovers who you really are at your core, reveals the unique God-given mission you were created to fulfill, and exposes the shadow parts of you that hold you back from living the authentic life you were made to live.
How is the Braveheart Intensive different?
The BraveHeart Intensive is not a Bible study.
It’s not a lecture on how you need to be a better man.
It’s not a competition to see who can be the most manly.
The BraveHeart Intensive takes you into places most men never go—into the wild landscapes of your masculine soul. We go deep, because that's where your real treasure lies: the truth about who you are and why you're here that you've been searching for your entire life.
“BraveHeart was a life-changing experience for me.
I have struggled with my true identity all my life. This retreat enabled me to unlock the manacles of despair and pain that I embraced and allowed me to release them to God. He is reforming, reworking, and releasing me to my True Self."
-Dave H.
What you’ll uncover through the BraveHeart experience:
• A clear picture of your unique core identity as a man, and a follower of Jesus;
• Your deepest life purpose, captured in a mission statement unique to you;
• The skills and tools to take leadership of your life, and partner with God in every area;
• A clear, strategic vision for the life of impact God has specifically designed you to create in the world.
“If you are going to know who you truly are as a man, if you are going to find a life worth living, if you are going to love a woman deeply and not pass on your confusion to your children, you simply must get your heart back. You must head up into the high country of the soul, into wild and uncharted regions and track down that elusive prey.”
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